Electronic Bulletin Board for Individual Members

Showcase Your Photography on PhillyCAM’s Electronic Bulletin Board!

Are you a PhillyCAM member with a passion for photography?

We invite you to submit your original work to be featured on our Electronic Bulletin Board!


PhillyCAM's Electronic Bulletin Board is a visual representation of what is happening at PhillyCAM and in the Philadelphia community. The Bulletin Board uses flyers and graphics to inform PhillyCAM's audience of events and organizations in the city and updates on our workshops, as well as showcasing original photography submitted by our members. Your photos will air between programs on our cable channel (Verizon 29/30, Comcast 66/966), online, and in the lobby of our facility helping you reach audiences throughout Philadelphia. Share your creativity and help make our community bulletin board even more vibrant!



PhillyCAM members can submit their original photographs using our online form.