2025 PhillyCAM Board Election FAQ
PhillyCAM is a membership organization and members participate in electing the board of directors and also serve. They are encouraged and supported to run for the board and may self-nominate or be nominated by Philadelphia based non-profit organizations. This results in a board that reflects the diversity of the city and builds leadership as for many members this their first board experience. The board of directors is responsible for insuring the health and growth of the PhillyCAM and keeping our work in line with our mission, vision and values.
Board members are elected to an initial 2-year term and may serve up to 3 consecutive terms. Board members are expected to attend meetings, serve on at least one board committee, participate in discussions and decision-making related to policies for organizational governance, represent PhillyCAM publicly, participate in long-range planning, approve the annual budget, and other responsibilities as needed. This year the Board of Directors is seeking new board members with human resources, non-profit administration and fundraising experience.
2025 Board Election Timeline | |
Wed, Jan 29 | Mandatory Board Candidate Orientation – 6:30 on Zoom. If you are running for the board you are required to attend this orientation. RSVP to elections@phillycam.org |
Thu, Feb 6 | Nominations Submitted Online by midnight. |
Wed, Feb. 20 | Candidates Announced. |
Fri, March 7 | Electronic Ballots emailed to current members. Online Voting will take place from March 7 to March 22. |
Sat, March 22 | Annual Member Meeting. Online Voting Closes at midnight. Election Results on the PhillyCAM website on Monday, March 24. |
There are 7 open seats for the 2025 Board Election
- 3 Members who Self-Nominate
- 4 Members Nominated by a Non-Profit or PhillyCAM Member Organization
What does being a PhillyCAM Board member entail?
● Attendance at Board Meetings (approximately 8 board meetings per year)
● Financial contribution of at least $50 per year
● Help with fundraising - personal asks, networking, sharing PhillyCAM fundraising posts on social media
● Participation in at least one committee (generally committees meet monthly)
- Finance
- Governance
- Member Relations and Community Engagement
- Radio Steering Committee
- Resource Development
All of this is stated in more detail in the Board Agreement letter, see below.
Board Candidates are required to answer the following questions on the nomination form.
1. Are you a PhillyCAM member?
2. Are you a Philadelphia Resident?
3. Are you a PhillyCAM Certified Producer?
- Certified Producers have successfully completed one of PhillyCAM’s Core Workshops -- Basic Field Production, Adobe Premiere, Intro to TV Studio Crew, Express Studio or Audio Production.
4. Please provIde a short bio highlighting your professional and life experiences. What skills and expertise will you bring to the board? (200 words maximum)
5. What about you would contribute to PhillyCAM’s goal of board diversity?
- PhillyCAM is seeking board members who come from a variety of Philadelphia neighborhoods, represent different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation and gender, as well as economic situation, political and religious beliefs. By electing a diverse board, PhillyCAM will more effectively be able to serve city residents and organizations. (200 words maximum)
Who can run for the Board?
Any PhillyCAM member in good standing, who is a resident of Philadelphia, may run. Here is information on PhillyCAM membership.
1) You can nominate yourself by completing an Individual Nomination Form online. Due to COVID 19 restrictions the requirement to submit a hard copy of the Signature Form signed by 20 current PhillyCAM members has been waived. Instead you will be required to have 1 current member submit a nomination form on your behalf.
2) You can be nominated by a non-profit named in PhillyCAM’s bylaws (see list below) or by any current organizational member of PhillyCAM.
A representative of the organization must submit the nomination form on your behalf online.
PhillyCAM Organization members, in good standing, based in the City of Philadelphia, may nominate a PhillyCAM member to run for the board. Organizations may only nominate 1 candidate.
See list of non-profit organizations who can nominate board members below.
How do members learn about the candidates?
All candidate statements (answers to questions 4 and 5 from the nomination form) will be listed on the PhillyCAM website.
PhillyCAM staff will assist all candidates in recording a short video message as to why they would be a good board member. These videos will be on the PhillyCAM website and aired on the channel daily leading up to the Annual Meeting on March 22, 2025.
How do candidates reach out to members?
While PhillyCAM activities continue virtually, candidates are encouraged to meet members at Zoom events. Or to connect with members on our PhillyCAM’s social media pages and groups.
Candidates may also request a contact list of current members only for the purpose of sending out an election appeal. Candidates must request that list from Executive Director, Gretjen Clausing at gretjen@phillycam.org.
Other Questions? Contact
Charlene Horne, Board Chair
Erin McGregor, Governance Committee Chair
Suggested Qualities of a PhillyCAM Board Member
Philadelphia Community Access Media (PhillyCAM) PhillyCAM is a community media center that brings together the people of Philadelphia to make and share media that promotes creative expression, democratic values and civic participation.
PhillyCAM believes an effective board is made up of individuals who bring a mix of the qualities below. While not every individual will offer all of these qualities, a board with a diversity of perspectives, experience and commitments will best advance the mission of PhillyCAM.
Please consider these qualities as you nominate candidates:
Management or leadership experience
One duty of PhillyCAM’s board is to manage the fiscal and legal health of the organization. PhillyCAM would be well served to have a few individuals on its board that have experience managing nonprofit or for profit corporations, either as staff, board members, legal counsel, development professionals, accountants, human resources managers, or in other management facets. Individuals with other unique backgrounds, such as in broadcast engineering or architecture, could also be of great value to the organization as we construct our new studios.
Understanding of the role of a diverse, open media system to inspire and inform
PhillyCAM exists because many for-profit or mainstream media outlets are unable to give voice to diverse points of view, nor willing to air innovative cultural content that may not have mass-market appeal. The board of PhillyCAM must understand the critical role that public access television and community media plays in advancing media diversity, exposing viewers to controversial topics and views, advancing community journalism, and providing a platform for expression not found elsewhere on the television dial.
Diversity of ethnicity, gender, economic status, and neighborhood location
Philadelphia is a diverse city, and the board of PhillyCAM should reflect this diversity. We are seeking board members who come from a variety of Philadelphia neighborhoods, represent different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientation and gender, as well as economic situation, political and religious beliefs. By electing a diverse board, PhillyCAM will more effectively be able to serve city residents and organizations.
Ability to work with diverse communities
Since the board and access center users will be diverse, board members that can relate to, communicate with, and respect differences of opinion, have cultural sensitivity, and value hearing new voices, will fit best with PhillyCAM’s culture.
A demonstrated commitment to the quality of life for all Philadelphians
Individuals that are active participants in improving the quality of life of Philadelphians, particularly the underserved and disenfranchised, will enrich the board of directors. This could include community activists, neighborhood block captains, leaders in the arts and culture fields, the heads of non-profit organizations or other civic leaders. These individuals are more likely to have deep connections with other city groups, residents and leaders, expanding PhillyCAM’sreach into different communities.
Board Members' Statement of Agreement
As a Board member of the Philadelphia Public Access Corporation (PhillyCAM),
I understand that my duties include the following:
1) Responsibility for the health and well being of this organization. As a member of the board, I pledge to help realize PhillyCAM’s mission to provide Philadelphia residents and organizations with the opportunity to communicate with each other through the creation and distribution of non-commercial media. PhillyCAM provides residents and community organizations access to media-making tools, training and opportunities for interaction between diverse communities.
2) Commitment to the organizational values of inclusion. I will actively work to ensure the alignment of all areas of the organization with its stated mission, values and vision. I understand my participation may include work outside of regularly scheduled board meetings.
3) Legal responsibility. Along with the other board members, I am responsible to know and approve policies.
4) Fiscal responsibility. It is my duty to monitor the financial health of the organization including basic understanding of the budget and investments.
5) Being a ‘Connector’ for the organization. I will actively engage in outreach for PhillyCAM, in whatever ways are best suited for me. I will represent PhillyCAM publicly, and serve as a connector to the communities I am a part of by sharing information about and encouraging participation in PhillyCAM’s programs.
6) Board meeting attendance. I am expected to attend board meetings, plus at least one organization-wide gathering/ retreat each year. I understand that after missing 2 consecutive meetings, I may be given notice and face a vote of removal if I miss a 3rd consecutive meeting. In addition, I will serve on at least one board committee/ working group and make every effort to attend PhillyCAM special events, such as the Annual Meeting.
7) I will observe PhillyCAM's conflict of interest and confidentiality policies. These are designed to avoid the appearance or reality of impropriety, and at the same time deal fairly with the interests and work of PhillyCAM, members, and vendors.
- a. Conflict of Interest – As a board member, I will disclose conflicts or potential conflicts of interest at the start of my term and annually at the beginning of each fiscal year. In addition, I will disclose whether I have a direct or indirect affiliation with any groups receiving financial support as community partners or as vendors. Should I have a direct affiliation, I will abstain from any vote that involves that individual or organization. I understand that lobbying or attempting to influence decisions about grants or vendor contracts is inappropriate.
- b. As a board member I may also hold other positions with PhillyCAM, such as being an independent contractor for PhillyCAM or other organizations that partner or collaborate with PhillyCAM. While having such a position is not per se a conflict of interest, any member of the Board who has or assumes such a position must disclose it in sufficient and reasonable detail at the next scheduled board meeting, and I agree to do so.
- c. Confidentiality – As a board member, I will maintain the confidentiality of any matters that the board or executive director asks to be made confidential when there is a reasonable basis for such a request and maintaining confidentiality will not violate any other fiduciary or legal responsibilities of a board member.
I believe that every board member is acting in good faith, which means we trust each other to carry out the above agreements to the best of our ability, with the knowledge, approval and support of all. I know that if I fail to act in good faith I must resign, or I may be asked to resign.
In turn, PhillyCAM is responsible to me in the following ways:
1) I will be sent regular reports that allow me to meet my obligations as a board member.
2) I can call on the Executive Director to discuss program and policy, goals and objectives.
Here is a list of Non-Profit Organizations that can also nominate PhillyCAM members to run for the board as per the PhillyCAM Bylaws, Section 4.7 (a)
African American Museum in Philadelphia
Academy of Natural Sciences
Asian Arts Initiative
Asociacion de Musicos Latino Americanos
Bread and Roses Community Fund
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Clean Air Council
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Community Education Center
Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
Community College of Philadelphia
Congreso de Latinos Unidos
Drexel University
The Franklin Institute
Freedom Theater
LaSalle University
Liberty Resources
Lincoln University
Mazzoni Center
Moore College of Art and Design
New Sanctuary Movement
Painted Bride Art Center
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Pew Charitable Trusts
Philadelphia Citizens for Children & Youth
Philadelphia Folklore Project
Philadelphia Foundation
Philadelphia Housing Authority
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia NAACP
National Organization for Women (Phila Chapter)
Philadelphia Area Project on Occupational Safety and Health (PhilaPOSH)
Philadelphia Urban Affairs Coalition
Samuel S. Fels Fund
Saint Joseph’s University
Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Associations Coalition (SEAMAAC)
Taller Puertorriqueno
Temple University
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
University of the Arts
University of Pennsylvania
Village of Arts and Humanities
William Way Community Center
William Penn Foundation
Women’s Way
X-Offenders for Community Empowerment