Make More Media in 2020!

- Gretjen Clausing
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- January 11, 2019
It’s hard to believe that PhillyCAM is celebrating the 10th anniversary of our cable channel going live. At a rally in 1998, when we were fighting for our right to public access television, a member of the Philadelphia Community Access Coalition reminded us that “there are a lot of people in this country who don’t want us to find out about how much we all have in common.” This statement resonates, even more, today as we navigate through this climate of divisiveness.
We were fighting for public access because we knew that through the sharing of ideas and information through media making, we help build common understanding and common values within a community. Community media makers bring awareness to the importance of free speech and accessible media for all individuals to have their voices heard
When you come into PhillyCAM you feel free to experiment, to try to do things that you've never done before. You feel a sense of support because everyone around you is learning as you’re learning.
--Trudy Haynes, TV Broadcast Pioneer
“You can express yourself, there is no judgment.”
-- Toni J Jones, producer of The 7 Figure Hustle
“PhillyCAM gave me the opportunity to come back to do something I really care about and know that the stories I'm telling here are not being told in commercial media. The people I'm working with here actually care about each other, and they care about the people they are broadcasting about.”
-- PhillyCAM Voices Reporter, Dennis Link

We have much to celebrate but there remains a fight on the horizon in DC as the Federal Communications Commission tries to rewrite the rules that could change how PhillyCAM and all the other public, educational, and government (PEG) stations in the country are able to be funded and operate. It is for this reason that we ask for your support so that we can ensure that all we have built in the past 10 years can continue and grow!
With your support, we have been able to create even more opportunities to provide access to information in today’s media environment critical for the healthy functioning of our community.
With tremendous gratitude and appreciation,
Gretjen Clausing
PhillyCAM Executive Director