Directions to PhillyCAM

photo - PhillyCAM exteriror


PhillyCAM is located at 699 Ranstead Street, on 7th Street between Chestnut and Market Streets, one block from the Liberty Bell.

For general information, call our main number, 267-639-5481, and select the appropriate extension listed below.

  • Ext. 1 - General inquiries, membership, Member Hub access, volunteering
  • Ext. 2 - Tech Office, Equipment Reservations, Tech Support for PhillyCAM Equipment
  • Ext. 3 - Submitting TV Programming and TV Policies
  • Ext. 4 - Submitting Radio Programming and Radio Policies
  • Ext. 5 - General Workshop and Youth Program
  • Ext. 6 - Community News Programming
  • Ext. 7 - Gretjen Clausing, Executive Director

 Plan Your Trip To PhillyCAM

 Please read our PhillyCAM Re-opening Operation Policy and Procedures.

Public Transportation—PhillyCAM is located near the 8th Street stop on the Market Frankford line and can be reached by multiple SEPTA buses.