Atrévete (I Dare You) - August 2021


 Para el programa de este mes presentamos historias sobre varias Independencias Latino Americanas, la Primera Feria Artesanal Latinx, el Primer Festival de Orgullo LGBTQ en el condado Montgomery, y la Liberación de detenidos inmigrantes de York.

Alojado por Arianne Bracho.

Grabado 5 Agosto, 2021.


Sigue @AtrevetePhilly por Twitter, Instagram, y Facebook!




This month, our show features stories on various Latin American Independence days, the First Latinx Craft Fair, the First LGBTQ Pride Festival in Montgomery County, and the Release of Immigrant Detainees from York.

Hosted by Arianne Bracho.

Recorded August 5th, 2021


Follow @AtrevetePhilly on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

Episodes In This Series