Atrévete (I Dare You) - September 2021

Latinx showcase covering diverse events, issues & experiences of the Phila. Latinx community.

 Para el programa de este mes presentamos historias sobre la independencia de Colombia, el vento anual, “Rock the Block”, una recaudación para la tribu Sioux de Dakota del Sur, y un exhibicion de obras de los niños y jóvenes en Cherry Street Pier. Tambien nos encontramos en el studio con autor Carlos José Pérez Sámano para hablar sobre su arte y trabjos en la comunidad.

Alojado por Lili Daliessio

Grabado 2 Septiembre, 2021.

Sigue @AtrevetePhilly por Twitter, Instagram, y Facebook!




For this month, our show features stories about Colombia's independence, the annual “Rock the Block” event, a fundraiser for the Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, and an exhibition of children's and youth works on Cherry Street Pier. We also met in the studio with author Carlos José Pérez Sámano to talk about his art and work in the community.

Hosted by Lili Daliessio

Recorded September 2, 2021.


Follow @AtrevetePhilly on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!


Episodes In This Series