Philly Loves Poetry - February 2022

Moonstone Arts presents poetry and discussion with Charles S. Carr

Anthony Palma is the president of the Mad Poets Society and author of flashes of light from the deep. He holds a degree in English from Saint Joseph’s University, and a Masters from Arcadia University. His work attempts to bridge the gap between poetry and other forms. His readings include elements of performance and music as well as traditionally read poems. His work has appeared in Show Us Your Papers, Rue Scribe, Oddball Magazine, and Harbinger Asylum, among others. He teaches writing at several universities in the Greater Philadelphia Area. He resides in West Chester PA with his wife and family. Brooke Palma is Vice-President, Treasurer and Blog Master of Mad Poets Society and host of Livin’ on Luck Poetry Series. She is author of Conversations Unfinished and has been published in The Mad Poets’ Review, Moonstone Arts, Toho Journal, and E-Verse Radio (online), and Unbearables: A Global Anthology. Brooke focus on the connections between culture and identity and finding beauty in the everyday. Hosted by Charles S. Carr Recorded February 1, 2022. Philly Loves Poetry consists of a panel of guest poets and artists discussing the opportunities which their group or organization provides for poets in Philly as well as the themes that influence them. Follow @PhillyCAM on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook!

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