XTRA-ordinariness with Brytnei Elle

XOBE is where ordinary people share with the world the extraordinary things they do with their lives. Watch their examples, get inspired, and always be extraordinary!
Thursdays at 6:30pm
XOBE is where ordinary people share with the world the extraordinary things they do with their lives. Watch their examples, get inspired, and always be extraordinary!
Thursdays at 6:30pm
Broken on All Sides: Race, Mass Incarceration & Visions for Criminal Justice in the U.S. The project began as a way to explore and advocate change around the overcrowding of the Philadelphia county jail system. The documentary focuses on mass incarceration across the nation & the intersection of race & poverty within the criminal justice system . By Matthew Pillischer http://brokenonallsides.com
Sundays in January & February at 8pm
A Film about Youth Incarceration. This is a documentary that was directed and produced by two high school seniors at Francis Parker School in Chicago. Nina and Keely interned for the year at Project NIA, a grassroots organization focused on ending juvenile incarceration. They spent the year attending workshops, training, and reading about juvenile justice issues. No Place for Kids is their culminating project.
Al Dia presents a discussion with journalists on representations and identity of communities of color and non-dominant ethnic/cultural communities in both the mainstream and ethnic media.
First Saturdays in January & Febrary at 1pm
Presented by Leeway Foundation
1. Keynote Presentation: Visual artist/organizer, Favianna Rodriguez
2. Hybridism: Artist as Activist
This panel explores the connections between social activism and artistic practice. How do artists place themselves in social movements? How do those movements create space for artists? with Moderator: Jeff Change, Panelists: Melanie Cervantes, Mia Nakano, Roberto Bedoya, Ryann Holmes
3. Embedded in Community: What is Social Practice?
This panel consists of artists who place themselves within communities- often on identity-and create art that reflects the inhabitants of those communities. How does the emerging field of Social Practice affect community-based art an artists who preceded it?
Moderated by: Germaine Ingram
Panelists: Invincible, Jesus Barraza, Marlène Ramirez-Cancio, Pepón Osorio
Alternating Saturdays in January & February at 1pm
Euphonia (Listen) : Stale sounds of the suburbs send a teenager out with a sound recorder in search of better ones. Listening with this device he begins to build his own soundscape and drift away from his surroundings. His dependence on the recorder affects his relationship with a charismatic girl and he struggles to re-engage with the world around him. Produced by Ornana Films.
Saturdays in January & February at 7:30pm